Privacy Policy
Who are we

The company website:

Gisgeo Information Systems, founded in 2008, is a company specialized in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Software Development that develops solutions for web and mobile. These solutions are designed to capture, store, analyze, manage and present georeferenced data in order to help with your decisions.

What type of information do we collect and why do we do it
  1. Your data and Gisgeo

    In this Privacy Policy you will find all the information about the use we make of the personal data of our customers and users.

    To maximize your experience with GISGEO, we respect your privacy and commit to respecting legislation relating to the protection of the privacy of our customers' and users' data and to processing this data only for the identified purposes, as well as ensuring that this data are cared for in complete safety. They will not be used for any other purposes that are not communicated here.

  2. Collection and Processing of Personal Data

    GISGEO Information Systems, Lda. is responsible for collecting and processing the personal data of our customers and users in compliance with applicable legal obligations in this matter.

    This collection is done through various interactions, such as when you provide us with your data when subscribing to our newsletter; when you search for our services on our pages; when you give us consent to receive push notifications on your mobile device; when you accept our terms and conditions to participate in a promotional action; to publish your photos on our platforms or social networks or when you become a customer of our services. This helps us to present various relevant information about our services and available offers.

    Regarding the data collected under the GEOCAR contract, as well as the data generated as a result of the use of the Service, including traffic and location data, will be processed automatically in accordance with applicable legislation, with the processing of this data being essential for the provision of the Service. This data may be transferred and allocated to GISGEO for the purpose of providing the GEOCAR Solution to the Customer.

    Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous paragraph, GISGEO reserves the right to use the data collected in the database as a result of the use of the service for purposes exclusively associated with studies, analyzes and processing, in partnership or not with Research and Development or other private companies, always safeguarding the anonymity of the client company, the names and identifications of people and vehicles that appear in that same database.

    The data previously identified is intended for the provision of the requested service, the management and evaluation of the relationship with the customer, the adaptation of the Service to the customer's needs, the billing of the service, the improvement and evolution of the service, studies, analyzes and processing, in partnership or not with Research and development entities or other private companies.

    In order to guarantee the security of the Service, GISGEO reserves the right to monitor the performance and quality of this service, in order to detect possible technical failures, transmission errors, threats, viruses, computer piracy and other security vulnerabilities. , without, however, exercising any control over the content of the information transmitted through human means.

    The data collected in the database as a result of the use of the Service may be kept until the end of the period during which the invoice can be legally challenged or the payment claimed or for the periods that may be legally defined for the purposes of investigation and legal actions of a criminal nature. The data may be processed directly by GISGEO or by entities subcontracted by it for this purpose.

  3. Types of data collected

    Gisgeo collects personal data from customers and their employees, applicants, end users, suppliers, website visitors, application users and job candidates. The personal data collected may include: name, address, telephone number (landline and/or mobile), email address, the name of your company or employer, financial information, among others. The nature of the information we collect will depend on, for example, the services being ordered or promoted.

  4. Purpose of Treatment

    Your personal data will be processed by GISGEO for the following communication purposes:

    – Sending requested information regarding products and services;

    – Own marketing initiatives such as newsletters, promotions and information related to the business and the commercial relationship with GISGEO;

    – Clarification of questions and other customer/user support initiatives.

  5. User Rights

    We are committed to respecting the confidentiality of your personal data and guaranteeing you the exercise of your rights.

    Under the terms of the law, the user is guaranteed the right, through the email address, to withdraw their consent to the processing of data for the indicated purposes at any time, whenever the processing is carried out based on consent. The exercise of this right does not invalidate the processing carried out up to that date based on the consent previously given.

    The User has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, namely the National Data Protection Commission, in case of non-compliance by GISGEO with the obligations applicable to it in matters of privacy.

  6. Data Conservation

    Users' personal data will be kept for the period of time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.

  7. Security

    GISGEO does not disclose any personal data of its Users to third parties without their consent, except when required by law.

  8. Change to Privacy Policy

    These personal data processing terms may be changed at any time and without prior notice in order to adapt them to legislative changes.

    These changes will be duly published on the website